
Travel and Transport

The transportation industry is appraised by usage of indicators and its measures that set aims for targeting performance regarding trends and tracks, relative movement and area, assessment of policies and plans for getting particular aspects. Automobile dependency system can be considered as one of most important step for sustainability in transportation that is reduced by reliance on the car. It provides significant advantages like it exceeds costs and reduces issues also provide attempts for solving technical problems that improve the performance of transportation. Community liability is the step for developing obligations of the city is also the policy of transportation which is due to increase local environment by improving quality of communication and consistency in particular community. This also includes aspects of supporting social and communal appraisal in Thailand. Technical innovation mode also includes technological innovation that solves many special ...

Internet Banking

Internet banking refers to the wireless communication-based banking services to the customers which they can access from anywhere anytime by use of the internet. The majority of banking sector are adapting the internet banking, that’s why it is necessary to determine its impact on customer relations regarding customers’ loyalty, satisfaction, and behavior. There are various studies that have been carried out by collecting the quantitative data through interviews of the banking customers in various banks. The structure of the interview mostly based on the open-ended questions which were then analyzed and interpreted in order to draw effective results. The results found from different studies shows that customer satisfaction with internet banking services is more in young customers as compared to senior customers. Loyalty and positive behavior were also evident in the banking customers as the number of customers found to be increased after the internet banking implementation...

Marketing Brochure Template

Every company needs writing printed pieces that perform a careful and well thought-out job of showing its products and services like catalogs, newsletters, product sheets and brochures, letterhead, business cards, and so on. Out of all these methods, brochures are one of the most widely distributed marketing materials. Brochures are small booklets that are an essential part of marketing for any business. Marketing brochure template promotes various products or services to be marketed. Methods of Marketing Brochure Template: Many companies have introduced computer printing software to create marketing brochures template which might be available for use for commercial purpose. However, it is common for a company to have a marketing brochure template prepared by a skilled printing company which has some familiarity with creating such documents. In contrast to a handbill, a printed brochure usually has a higher-quality paper and more color and is folded or stapled at the seam....

Ethical theories and principles

There are two fundamental types of ethical theory: those based on the notion of choosing one’s actions so as to maximize the value or values to be expected as consequences of those actions called consequential or teleological theories and those based on the notion of choosing one’s actions according to standards of duty or obligation that refer not to consequences but to the nature of actions and the motives that are held by those performing them (called dermatological theories). Major types Of Ethical Theory: 1. Consequentialism-- utilitarianism 2. Dermatological theories-- The "categorical imperative" 3. Ethical relativism 4. Rights 5. Virtue-based ethical theories Consequentialism: • Consequentialism refers to that type of ethical theory in which right or wrong are based on the consequences of an action. • Utilitarianism is one form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism • The basic principle is that everyone ought to act in ways which b...

Environmental Waste Management

Environmental waste management is the process of management and disposal of waste material that is produced from different types of human activities in a way that it does not impact on the environment and not produce any environmental pollution. The environmental waste is generated from a large number of sources which includes the industries, construction and development, human daily life routine and other appliances including types of equipment being used by the human. The waste impacts negatively on the natural environment of the world and induces land pollution, water pollution or air pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize, reduce, dispose or manage the waste being produced. There are several techniques for waste management which are aimed to reduce its negative impact on human and animal health as well as the natural environmental resources. Evolution of Environmental Waste Management The waste management and its reduction from the environment...