Technology Addiction in Children

The majority of today’s children play time now relies on technology, resulting in limitation of the imagination and challenges to the children, in addition to restricting necessary and primary challenges towards their bodies to attain favorable sensory and motor expansion. Inactive bodies bombarded with apparently disorganized motivation and in delays in reaching child developmental milestones and inspiration are resulting through succeeding negative impact on basic establishment skills intended for achieving literacy. The high pace for Hard-wired, today children is entering in school with having a struggle for attention and expertise essential for learning, for teachers in classroom finally becoming significant behavior and management problems.

Warning signs for technology addiction:

Parents should always look out for the following signs

  • Most important is non-public attention and Increasing along with constant use of the device.

  • Anger and bad temper from the children when the device is taken away needs to use the instrument, resulting in the bad temper.

  • Children not giving attention to the activities, such as insisting on using the device and not performing the daily tasks and duties but instead going for sleep only to play with the device for games.

How to prevent Technology addiction in children:

Parents and babysitters should always ready for any catastrophe and provide the clear boundaries for their children. Some measures that can be taken care of are as follows

  • The use of TV and mobile phone devices should be limited and not more than 30 minutes at a particular time. The age-group recommendations per day don't exceed the total amount of screen time.

  • A proper time table should be provided to use the devices with other fun play time should also be provided to the children’s.

  • Don’t put the TV and electronic gadgets within your child’s living room, besides, put these devices away from children.

  • Observe ‘tech-free’ zone during meals, homework and bedtime should be separated. Also, you can assign ‘tech-free’ zones for your youngster such as in the bedroom, dining area as well as in the vehicle.

  • About the significance of moderation educate your youngster prematurely. When your child shows you, restraint is sure to offer respect both in a use of technology and games.

  • Watch movies with your children in order to monitor their access. Talk to them share your opinion thoughts and interact with them in a friendly way.

Positive Impacts of technology on children:

Help in education:

Technology has always been proven to be very helpful in children’s education. Children can be capable of a right to use the web in addition to getting the detailed knowledge concerning a few topics. The education in other extracurricular activities helps them to perform well in studies.

Competition Skills:

Children always like playing video games. They earn competition skills though playing such sports games. From the video games, skills that children learned from the competition help them struggle through others within the actual world.

Negative Impacts of Technology on Children:

Health Problems:

The technology is causing many health issues in children. From time to time the surveys that were conducted tells that due to the increasing use of machines, results in growing health problems such as the back pain problems, effects in eyesight, etc. Increasing in the weight of children can also be seen due to this technology.

Social Relationship:

This technology equipment has also affected an adverse effect on social relationships. Children are addicted and going on the road to gadgets. They even don’t have the moment to sit with their brothers, sisters and parents, besides spending little time among them. They only want text messaging and chatting to connect with their friends, other than meeting them in person. It means that they are connected with them virtually not actually.

Poor Academic Performance:

On most of the children, technology has been found to comprise its negative impact on educational performance. Some of the video games are there to which children’s are terribly addicted. On these video games, children waste their precious time with no worrying about their studies and this resulting in poor academic results of children’s.

Negative Impact on Character

The internet is acting as a role that is an as curse for children’s character as children are the future of any country, our world, and this is one of the biggest problems created by growing technology. The major drawback is that due to this technology children’s are going away from their moral values. Children’s are using the internet for more of adult content rather that some productive studies and other materials.

Negative Impact on Writing Skills

Since childhood, we have learned that writing is an Art and children’s have lost this skill due to technology. In the text messaging and chatting on mobile or social media standard of English is not applied. About the spelling, punctuation and grammar there are huge mistakes while writing text messages. This results in poor writing skills of children.

So it can be a real fact that there are adverse impacts of technology rather than good impacts and influence. The matter of fact is that how we use it rather in a positive and constructive way or in a negative and destructive way. In children’s life by limiting and restraining the participation of technology, all the impacts of above we have discussed can be limited.

Children are addicted to screens fear half of the parents:

Video Games, Facebook, Cell Phones, Internet, Etc:

With many teenagers technology and video game has made addicted to many children’s and there is always a difference between chemical addiction and one via drugs or alcohol, the psychological and mental. Problems along with other health issues can effect is a lot the same for the reason that individuals still turn into withdrawn, misplaced, and miserable. The question is always there why this video game addiction is going in the upward direction.


The most common reasons that people turn into addicted to gadgets is boredom, and this has to be one. It is similar to that when people have been bored mentally or physically they want to inject something into them to show them that they are not bored.

Lack of Imagination:

Since we were born imagination is the furthermost contribution to be given. As we are children’s, we use our imagination to look up things and solve our issues on that imagination. If you observe small kids participate in addition to using their mind, it’s a impressive thing to observe them “make their world” since they go away.

Escaping Reality:

When parents see their children using on twitter, facebook and chatting, their mind and brain enter a non-existing world that distracts them starting from these pressures. So in the end, this distraction destroys them so badly that they are mentally destroyed. It’s their getaway anywhere they don’t have on the way to worry concerning school, grades, in addition to becoming an adult.


According to new research almost four out of 10 children’s fright they are addicted toward the internet. As of children’s prompting doubts campaigners through the goal of youngsters might leave themselves susceptible to cyber-crime and harassment.

Almost two third of the kids take their smartphone and tablets to the bed while going for a sleep and chat with their friends play games on their smartphone and watch movies survey from more than 2,200 young people. Out of this ratio, only one-third of the youngsters were doing homework and rest of the two third were playing games and watching movies.

It is found that between 1 and 3 percent of people and children only have the genuine internet addiction. The extent to which it seems to be difficult depends on the impact it is having on top of your life. If children's are doing their homework on time spending time with their families and loved ones, it seems to be no problem with the gadgets.


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